It was a pleasure being invited as a guest onto the Real Estate Radio Network Program hosted by Nick Neal and Shelley Dudley. The program airs on KKOL Am 1300 Sat. Feb. 1, 2014 from 2:00 – 3:00pm & again on Sunday 2/2/14 at 6:00pm. There’s a link at the top of the page at to live internet streaming of the show during broadcast.
Archives of the show are available at:
Topics include areas and properties in Kitsap County: Bainbridge Island, Waterfront, Seabeck and Driftwood Key boating community in Hansville. We also discuss where to find some of the best deals in the market, information about REO’s, Short Sales and the process in purchasing a home. This may be enlightening if you haven’t purchased a home in many years or if you are a new Buyer. We also talk about some of the many ways a good broker can add value and help both Buyers and Sellers through the process and how Buyers (and Sellers) are protected in a Purchase & Sale agreement. We hope you’ll also be relieved to know how we make sure none of the Sellers debts become liabilities for a Buyer.
There is a segment about the current market situation in Kitsap County for Buyers and Sellers, lower inventory and firming prices. As you might expect, some of the most compelling homes receive multiple offers and there are various strategies for dealing with this situation.
We actually ran out of time and didn’t get to several other topics we wanted to discuss including: Determining home values, differences between Appraisal values, BPO prices, Tax Assesed Values, and Zillow Zestimates. We also wanted to talk about strategies for a Seller to get top dollar when Selling and my crystal ball for the coming year. I’m looking forward to hopefully being invited back onto the show to talk about some of these and other interesting, relevant and helpful topics.
If you have any questions about any topics, mentioned or discussed on the show or if you would like to ask me any questions, please contact me anytime, I’d love to hear from you.
Thank You for visiting our Blog,
Brian Wilson, Broker; mobile: 360-689-2466
Jana Salmans, Managing Broker; mobile: 360-509-9684
John L. Scott Real Estate
19723 10th Ave NE; Suite 200
Poulsbo, WA 98370